
 hiii, today i'm going to talk about a book that i like and highly recommend:)

the book in question is "tarantula" by thierry jonquet, i think the first time i read it was in 2020, my language teacher at school made us read an excerpt for an assignment, but he never gave us the name of the book and i always looked for it, until a year later i started looking at book reviews and it appeared by chance, then i wanted to buy it but i couldn't find it anywhere, so i resorted to pdf and that's how i have read it about three times already.

the reason why i like this book so much is because the first time i read it, being small fragments, i had to imagine completely the story, connect in my head why things looked like that and why richard was such a bad man, i didn't understand anything and I lived in this weird uncertainty, but when i read it completely i realized the inner plot that the book had and the hidden clues, it was wonderful and i loved reading it.

and that's all:) i'll leave the official synopsis of the book here 

in the life of richard lafargue, a respectable plastic surgeon, there are two women viviane and eve. the first is his daughter, a precociously aged girl suffering the ravages of insanity in an insane asylum. the second is a sophisticated young woman with a sensuality that attracts any man who comes across her (except richard). for the latter, richard has prepared a golden cage and periodic punishments with which he intends to avenge an old affront that eve is unaware of. not far away, a young thief and accidental murderer is hiding from the police. he believes that the only one who can help him is richard. entering the dangerous triangle formed by a madwoman, a man sick with revenge and a fatal and humiliated woman is the riskiest thing that this small-time thug has ever done in his life.


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