
hiii, today i'm going to tell mi experience with the english language.

i think i've always been familiar with english, my mom listened to "backstreet boys" and was a real fan, my dad loved "queen" so i grew up babbling the language.

i started to learn it as such thanks to school, in chile from first grade you have to learn english, whether you like it or not, it is very important.

following the timeline i started to learn it on my own without wanting to, i was already listening only to music in english, watching movies in english too and basically everything in the original language (but i only watched things in english lol)

although i understand it very well and my pronunciation is good, i have never studied it as such, so i'm confused by the grammar and some words that have similar pronunciations and spellings such as "through, thorough, throughout" are all the same to me.

i don't do much to practice, i just watch a lot of series in english, i keep listening to music and my ear has become familiar with the language bc i've been listening to it so much that it has practically stuck with me. 

i really enjoyed english classes at school and at university too, i don't need much concentration and i like to improve my pronunciation, however i don't like to speak in front of others.

i think i learning english is very important for me and for the rest of the worl bc its a universal language, if you are in a foreign country and you want to communicate without knowing the language of that place, you can always resort to english, for sure there will be someone who speaks it and will help you.

finally, the most interesting thing sbout the language is how there are several words that are written very similar but the pronunciations are very different, sometimes its confusing but i like it. 


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