About me


My name is Javiera Acevedo but you can call me Javi. I'm Chilean, specifically from santiago. My family is very simple, they’re all Chilean, i have my mom, my sister and my brother (both younger than me) also two kittens of 9 months old that i love so much called Luna and Jenito.

I study design at the University of Chile, i’m in my second year and i’m really happy about it.

My hobbies are a bit introverted because i’m an introvert, i don’t like to go out much, i don’t enjoy going out of my house, i like music, watching series and k-pop music, clothes, photos, and sketchbooks, make-up (especially douyin)


I like to spend most of my time alone, I enjoy my free time and silence, I am disturbed by noisy environments, but it's ok.


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